Will your students be successful?
Do your staff feel supported?
Are parents proud of your school?

Hundreds of school leaders are wondering everyday about these types of questions without finding simple answers.

You wish you had all the answers but…

With all the demands put on school leaders it’s hardly surprising that you might struggle to find time to have individual conversations with your students, teachers or parents. Even if you did, sensitive issues can be hard to talk about face to face. Furthermore, in order to be able to draw meaningful conclusions you will need to spend time and money talking to a large number of people.

Imagine you could get the answers easily, quickly and without spending a fortune... 

Imagine you could zoom in on any issue you find critical and instantly understand it. Think about what you could do with this information and how that could drive positive change in your school. Now it is possible with…

Socrates' Tree
The most sophisticated online educational survey for capturing, analysing and comparing your stakeholders' genuine opinions.
But don’t just take our word for it. Socrates' Tree has already over 20,000 users, who have left more than 100,000 comments. It has proved invaluable to countless school Heads who claim that the depth of insights they could get from Socrates' Tree would only otherwise be possible to get through one-to-one interviews. 

So what makes Socrates' Tree different?

The 6 reasons, why Socrates' Tree would help you in a way other surveys couldn't
 Gain insights beyond traditional surveys

Socrates' Tree’s unorthodox questions based on dilemmas generate genuine responses and encourage conversations that allow you to zoom in on the important issues.
“Most surveys just ask ‘Is there bullying at school?’ and of course most kids just say ‘No’ or ‘Only sometimes’ - and that’s almost too obvious really. What was smart about Socrates Trees’ questions is that actually you start to find out, in a subtle way, that there might be bullying as children will sometimes say things that they might not otherwise have said." 
-Kate Beaumont
Head, Manor Fields Primary School

Number 2.jpg Designed specifically for schools

Scientifically developed by educational psychologists and pedagogues based on 15 years of experience working with schools. Different versions are specifically tailored to primary, secondary and special schools.

“We used Socrates' Tree for students, staff and parents, but we also wanted to get the views of the members of the community. Socrates' Tree enabled us to compare their opinions easily.”

- Richard Weeks

Head, Teddington secondary school

Number 3.jpg Compare across stakeholder groups with ease

Instantly visualise and understand the opinions of students, parents, teachers and your community in context using Socrates' Trees unique graphical reports.

Number 4.jpg  No paper, no hassle…

Set up Socrates' Tree for your school in minutes without distributing or collecting any  papers - it’s all online.

“As Socrates' Tree is all online, we didn't have to deal with any papers, which saved us a lot of time and troubles. We could also see the results online anytime we wanted, even when the survey hasn't finished, so we could send reminders if it was necessary."

- Head,  Middle school

Number 5.jpg Affordable and cost effective

Get more for less as Socrates' Tree is significantly cheaper than traditional paper-based surveys while providing more in-depth information.
Number 6.jpg Tailor-made questions and solutions

Our experienced consultants can support you in creating bespoke questions and developing actionable evidence-based strategies.



The experience behind the Socrates' Tree


 …is why we believe in its uniqueness. The team which stands behind Socrates' Tree (some of whom you can see below), have spent the past 6 years developing and tuning it to perfection. 


Their combined 37 years of experience supporting heads of schools with projects ranging from setting a vision or turning around situations of underperforming students all the way to creating inspirational learning environments, made us understand the complex  situation school heads are facing. Socrates' Tree builds on this experience to enable you and other school heads to make informed decisions and move your school in the right direction based on your stakeholders genuine opinions.

Marcus.jpg Jen.jpg  Christine.jpg

Marcus Orlovsky 

Marcus has 15+ years experience of working with all types of schools and their leaders. He is the creator of Socrates’ Tree and its innovative question design. He has delivered over 700 keynote addresses in over 20 countries, to teachers, heads and administrators on education design guidance and change management in schools. 



 Jen Moran 

Jen has a degree in Education Studies, which focuses on how to best evaluate success, the nature of learning and human development within the education system. She has worked for 8 years with primary, secondary and special schools across the UK.

Christine Ginty 

Christine has a background in market research, psychology and training. She is interested in identifying why people in particular organisations do not always achieve their potential or enjoy themselves at work. She has managed in depth client and employee surveys for many different types of clients across the UK. 



See the Socrates' Tree difference


Unique dilemma-based questions generate conversation

1) The survey questions are designed based on a dilemmas, where neither of the options is wrong. Respondents get to use the slider to decide how inclined they are to the particular option.

2) The thoughts provoked by the dilemma are captured in the comments box, which provides you with the depth of insight only a conversation otherwise would.


3) Additionally the respondents point out how important the issues is to give you an indication how urgently, if at all, the issue should be solved.


 “All the SocratesTree dilemmas gave us a pretty good indication of where the school should be going, the key was in asking the right questions.” 

- Stuart Fox, Head, Branksome Heath Middle school


Clear visual report shows you the big picture in context

The 35 page executive summary of the report gives you a general overview of the situation of your school. The additional up to hundreds of pages of comments as well as the ability to search through them and zoom in (described bellow) gives you the deep insight.

1) The first part of the report for each questions explains the logic behind that dilemma and what kind of insights can you look for in the comments.

3) The table in the bottom gives you a perception how relevant each stakeholder group finds that particular question, allowing prioritization.
2) Graphical comparison among various stakeholder groups gives you an instant understanding. In this case it shows that the perception of students and educators within this school varies considerably.


Zoom-in on the most important issues


You want to know the information regarding details that are the most important for you like...

Is there any bullying in my school?
What does the ninth grade think about their new teacher?
How different are the opinions of teachers within my leadership team in comparison to other teacher? 

All those questions and many more can be answered through the online analysis tool of Socrates' Tree. It allows you to search for key words, filter based on specific stakeholder group (different roles at school, year cohorts of students etc.) and thus easily access the data you need to make an informed decision.

In the example below, we looked at the opinion of educators wether they think lessons are tiring or inspiring and their comments towards that 


1) Filter the specific group whose opinion you want to know based on the stakeholder type, location as well as ranking of the question.
2) Instantly see the results of that groups' opinion graphically.
4) See relevant comments from your specific search.
3) Look at a question you are interested in or even search for a key word across your whole project.


How to get the most of your Socrates' Tree 


We don’t want you to just buy Socrates' Tree and keep it idle. In order to ensure you get the most out of it, we provide you with a best case practices guideline.

A few top tips:  

  • Highlight that it is anonymous, and for the benefit of the school
  • Allow time for students to complete Socrates’ Tree within the school day
  • Use multiple channels to invite parents to participate (such as a coffee morning or use parents evening as well as letters or emails)
  • Make it easy! Give all the information in one go and provide  IT expert support
  • Give a clear time frame and send reminders


The 6 things Socrates' Tree gives you, that you could not get otherwise


Understand what is behind the results your school has. 


Number 2.jpgEnsure actions you implement lead to satisfaction of your students, staff, parents and community. 


Number 3.jpgCreate a school vision engaging all the stakeholders. 


Number 4.jpgTrack the progress your school is making. 


Number 5.jpgEvaluate impact of projects you run. 


Number 6.jpgBe sure there is no hidden problem you’re unaware of.



 Pricing so that any school can afford it


At Bryanston Square, our mission is to help schools succeed in preparing young people to succeed in the 21st century.



Call +44 (0)20 7480 4101 or email info@bryanstonsquare.com to order Socrates' Tree for your school today  


If you are interested, but broke, please also get in touch!

*Fair usage applies. 



For more information about Bryanston Square visit http://www.bryanstonsquare.com/